

How to wear strappy sandals

For a casual and comfortable look, flat strappy sandals make an easy style option worn with everything skirts, dresses, and jeans too. A pair of strappy wedge sandals are just the ticket for keeping you comfortable through smarter occasions, whilst giving you that all-important boost to your height. Slip them on with maxi dresses or even a pair of jeans with a pretty top. The strappy silhouette makes these sandals so easy to wear, because they offer secure fit and plenty of comfort to match, look for adjustable fastenings and stretchy straps that will help to give the perfect fit plus a comfortable ad flexible step.

Are strappy sandals in style?

Strappy sandals are super versatile, they’ll work with pretty much every outfit you already own, suited for the sunshine these are the types of sandals that will work with sundresses and your cropped trousers too.